Integrate Speakers into Workflows

Integrate Speakers into Workflows

Want to start your favorite playlist with a tap, pause the music automatically when you open the front door, or boost the volume while you’re singing in the shower? With speakers in your workflows, you can make all that happen — and more.

Unfortunately, Apple doesn’t give developers direct access to control HomePods or other AirPlay speakers through HomeKit. But don’t worry: with a simple workaround, you can still use them in your workflows.

In this guide, we’ll walk you through how to automatically increase the volume when someone steps into the shower.

Create Scene in Apple Home

Before we dive into the actual workflow in Controller for HomeKit, open the Apple Home app and create a new scene that increases the volume of your desired speaker.

Start Event

Now switch to Controller for HomeKit, create a new workflow, and add the motion sensor pointing at your shower as the start event.


For the next step, add the action “Execute Scene” and select the scene you created earlier.

Final Overview

Thanks to the scene we created in the Apple Home app, it’s easy to integrate speakers into your workflows. In our example, the volume increases automatically as soon as someone steps into the shower.